23rd ICA Workshop on
Map Generalisation and Multiple Representation

November 5 and 6, 2020, via Zoom.

The programme for November 5 and 6, 2020 is available here.


Workshop details

Following the recent evolutions of cartography, the 23rd edition of the workshop will highlight propositions of map generalisation and multiple representation methods and applications for interactive multi-scale visualisations of spatial data. Topics of interest include those where thematic or reference cartographic or geographic data (2D or 3D) are generalized, simplified, or aggregated in any way.

This year's workshop is a joint event together with NCG Symposium and Geocongres on the first day (November 5, 2020) of the workshop, and specific workshop sessions on the second day (November 6, 2020).

Media partners

Call for papers

You are invited to submit a 1,500 word paper​, on advances, work in progress, or a position statement, following the general guidelines of the ICA conference abstracts. All submissions will be assessed by the Program Committee on suitability for presentation during the workshop. Accepted papers will be published on the ICA commission website​.

If they wish, the authors of accepted papers will be allowed to extend accepted papers to 8 pages, following the ICA Proceedings guidelines (Word) or (LaTeX). Please note that there should be a possibility to extend the papers accepted to the Workshop for a Journal special issue, more details should be announced soon.

The following list of welcome topics is non-exhaustive:

Submission and review of short papers will be managed through EasyChair (an online conference management system):

Important dates


The programme for November 5 and 6, 2020 is available here.


Registration for speakers and participants is required. The registration is in order of submission and the number of participants is limited (full = full). The deadline for registration is October 15, 2020.

Registration is open. In case you like to participate, please send an e-mail with subject 'Registration ICA Workshop 2020' with your name and organisation/educational institution to Martijn Meijers.


The event will take place fully online.

Special Issue

All workshop participants are invited to submit a paper to the special issue of the Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis on "Automated map generalisation: emerging techniques and new trends". The Call for Papers for this Special issue can be found at: https://www.springer.com/journal/41651/updates/18478616.

The Guest Editors are: Xiang Zhang, Guillaume Touya and Martijn Meijers

The deadline for submission is 30 June 2021, which gives you a lot of time to prepare your manuscripts!

Further information

Please contact Martijn Meijers in case you have any further questions.

Workshop Organizers

Program Committee